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Neologismos alimentarios. Puntoycoma.

Article resulting of the research and analysis process to establish correct neologisms in Spanish for both new and consolidated diet trends, as well as linguistic guidelines to lead the creation of future terminology in this field.

In Spanish, these terms have been mostly created spontaneously in the Internet and the social networks, normally as an adaptation of the English term and introduced by writters without a linguistic background. Due to its growing impact in health and social wellfare, these terms will increasingly appear in official and scientific texts, reason why it is important to clearly define their form and meaning.

Terms were proposed by Mr. Fernando A. Navarro to include them in the 3rd edition of his Dictionary of doubts and difficulties in English medical translation (available at Cosnautas as Libro Rojo) and were studied under the guidance of Mr. Luis González in the frame of an internship at the Spanish General Translation Department of the European Commission to include them in the EU’s public terminology database IATE.

The article includes the entire glossary with 24 terms as well as the description of the review and creation criteria applied. An overview of the guidelines accompanied by examples is presented as a conclusion.

Published in puntoycoma, issue no. 156 of March, 2018.
Authors: Belén Bravo and Virginia Renalias
Free full article available at the journal‘s website.

Working on "pollotarian" (EN) / "avivegetariano" (ES). Entry by Renalias.
Journal of the Spanish Translators of the European Union Institutions

TV Production

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José Carreras Gala

Since 2010, it is a pleasure to work at the yearly television production of the José Carreras Gala, the main charity event of the German José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation.

The translator duties in this TV production are to serve as a communication bridge between the German Foundation and the Spanish Foundation, the German production company (Kimmig Entertainment) and, of course, Mr. José Carreras, who hosts the bilingual Gala together with a German co-host. This includes translating content from German to Spanish and vice versa, as well as linguistically supporting the final production process on the site.

Due both to the excellent work of the German and Spanish Foundation in the research and fight against leukaemia and to the remarkable commitment of Mr. José Carreras with this cause, every year it is a pleasure and a honour to collaborate in this event.

Instagram image by Nina Eichinger  2018 / TV image by the José Carreras Leukamie Stiftung e.V.

Jose Carreras Gala Production
Jose Carreras Gala TV

Editorial internship

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